Fully Automatic: The Gaggia Magenta Prestige is a fully automatic coffee machine that can brew a range of coffee drinks with the touch of a button. It can make espresso, cappuccino, latte macchiato, and more, all with customizable settings for strength, temperature, and volume.
Milk Frothing: The machine comes with a milk carafe that can automatically froth milk for your drinks. The carafe is also detachable, making it easy to clean.
Grinder: The Gaggia Magenta Prestige has a built-in ceramic burr grinder that can grind coffee beans to your preferred coarseness. The grinder has 10 settings to choose from.
Customizable Settings: The machine has a large color touchscreen display that allows you to customize your drinks and adjust settings such as temperature, strength, and volume. You can also save your favorite recipes for easy access.
Maintenance: The Gaggia Magenta Prestige has a self-cleaning function that makes it easy to maintain the machine. It also has a descaling cycle that can be activated when needed.
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Description | Gaggia Automatic Coffee Machine |
Material/Color | Black |
Category | Home Coffee Machine |
Product Code | 886870202450 |
Product Model | Gaggia agenta Prestige |
Brand | Gaggia |
Package Dimension (H x W x D) cm | 43,5 X 35,7 X 22,4 CM |
Product Dimension (H x W x D) cm | 48,5 X43,7 X 25,4 CM |
Net Weight (Kg) | 7.7 kg |
Gross Weight (Kg) | 8 kg |
Max Power Absored / Ampere | 50 Hz |
Voltage / Frequency | 220-240 Volt |
Water Tank Capacity | 1,8 L |
Brewing Group | yes |
Water Pump Pressure | yes |
Optidose | 5 selections. |
Rapid Steam | N/A |
Water Tank | yes |
Cappucino Accessory | yes |
Coffee Beans Container Capacity | 250 Grm |
Ceramic Coffee Grinder | yes |
Ground Coffee per Cup | yes |
Dosing System | yes |
Ground Coffee doser | yes |
Pre - Brewing | yes |
Coffee Delivery | N/A |
Accessories | N/A |
Indicator Light | yes |
3 Filter Equipment | N/A |
Adjustable Drip Tray | yes |
Cup Warming Table | N/A |
Body Work | ABS |
Group and Filter Holder | N/A |
Front Panel | N/A |
Control Panel | touchcreen |
Overheat Control | yes |
Auto Signal | N/A |
Manufacturer Warranty | 1 year |